[url=http://www.killermovies.com/d/thedukesofhazzard/articles/3295.html]Dukes of Hazzard remake! (via [url=http://www.thefatguy.com/archives/003334.html#003334]The Fat Guy)
And I [url=http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/WorldNewsTonight/power_outage030814.html]quote: “Bloomberg urged New Yorkers not to panic. ”
Just imagine a New Yorker [i]not[/i] in panic mode.
Which got me to thinking – any wagers on a spike in birthrates, oh, say, in about 9 months? What’s that, Taurus?
From the [url=http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/13/opinion/13DOWD.html]NYT (reg.):
“Even former candidates are weighing in. Gary Hart, who began his blog in March, doesn’t bother to read other digital diarists. ‘If you’re James Joyce,’ he said slyly, ‘you don’t read other authors.’ Now there’s a man with a future in blogging.”
I know the feeling. But when I’m stuck, looking for a way to explain how Mars is making things miserable, I do read some online [url=http://www.austin-stories.com/]journals, usually local, and usually amateur writers. Usually very good, too, in a wryly amusing way.
[url=http://www.donotremove.net/archives/002528.html]A fine post about Texas Cuisine. (via [url=http://www.thefatguy.com/archives/003337.html#003337]The Fat Guy again) Except for the part about enchiladas. See: we have [url=www.maudies.com]Maudie’s, a local chain. Last time I was there, about a week ago, the perspicacious dining companion pointed out that there was no mention of other locations on the menu – a nice touch.
Anyway, Maudie’s “Strait Plate” is the way a Tex-Mex enchilada should be prepared. Three corn-tortilla-wrapped enchiladas filled with spiced ground beef, covered with “con carne” sauce, then layered with cheese, liberally sprinkled with diced onions, and a fried egg on top. Maudie’s has a secret ingredient, too: garlic. Roast garlic, or garlic or something “garlicky” for the salsa. The hint shows up in everything making it better. What’s worse, I know I’ve used that very mention in a horoscope recently – [i]and I can’t find it![/i]
Weird picture for the day, as I was heading back downtown and homeward from [url=http://www.bouldincreek.com/]Bouldin Creek Caffeine Dealer, there this was, and I’d been meaning to make note of it: