I got off the “airport flyer” and sauntered over to the next bus stop, in time to catch the route homeward. There was Leslie, the cross-dressing homeless mayoral candidate, decked out in his usual, quietly holding down bench outside of the Starbucks at 6th & Congress.
Made me think, “Need to dig out the camera,” then I saw my bus pull up and I ditched the idea, hopped on a crowded bus, and motored on home. 50 cents, about 30 minutes, 10 minutes more than a cab ride, and $19.50 cheaper. Plus Leslie.
Reminded me of parting shot from El Paso: Austin: Keep Kramer. Maybe [i]that[/i] should be a [url=http://www.cafepress.com/astrofish]bumpersticker.
I logged in to check the message board for the astrology class I’m “teaching” through the [url=http://learningcenter.netscape.com/]Netscape Learning Center.
As I reviewed the work put together by my long-time client, I came across an interesting analogy, lovely stuff – what would one expect from a poetess?
See, the way it’s pitched, her coursework, she calls an astrology chart a map, not a blueprint. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
“Yeah, Keep Austin Weird? Austin Keep Kramer.”
Dusty El Paso Trail
“I was toting my pack along that dusty El Paso trail…” (Somebody [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000AYLKC/fishinguideto-20]like Joe Ely should sing that – I just haven’t made up the rest of the lyrics yet.)
The plane took off, heading east, not giving more than a backwards glimpse of the Franklin Mountains. The [url=www.swa.com]SWA crew was talking about being posted in El Paso versus Phoenix or Las Vegas. Apparently, El Paso had some better perks. I’d have to agree, although, for some folks, that town seems to be nothing more than a desolate backwater. Perceptions, I’m sure, “Is that river half empty or half full?”
Actually, from the air, it looks like it’s barely a trickle.
I’ve been winging into El Paso for over a decade now.
“I’ve been making this flight for the last decade or so, and maybe half dozen times, I’ve been able to see them, the Jackalopes, out on the military reservation.”
No myth. There’s a herd of jackrabbits, and few big buck jackalopes can sometimes be seen, horns down, hustling the females around. It’s on a portion of what used to be Biggs Army Air Corps Field, now, just a military reservation.
But look carefully, just after take off, you can sometimes see them.
I think we shadowed I-10 as far as Van Horn.
“Looks like they’re broken clouds in Austin, hope they get them fixed by the time we get there.”
Last Cafe Dali picture, finally got the camera to work again, once I got home.