Subtitle: days of wasabi and salsa.
Which, at first glance would seem to indicate Japanese cuisine and Mexican food, or its local equivalent, Tex-Mex.
Not that it’s important, either.
Just one of those days. One friend, a Gemini, whose name is not “bubba,” calls me up and asks about how to get a certain stain out of leather furniture.
“Shouldn’t have been doing that on the leather ottoman, my bad.”
Yeah. Dude. Whatever.
Cracked me up, though, at the time.
I was with a Gemini, in the Flightpath, searching for a couch, don’t ask, it’s obviously a Gemini thing, and I was asking what they called my favorite [url=]coffee drink these days, the aforementioned “cortado.”
Guy floating behind the counter pipes in, long discussion, gets me set straight, a “cortado” is an Argentinean shot of coffee with a cream. A “macchiato” is Eye-talian (not Stabuck-ese) for “stain.”
“Yeah, what you’re supposed to do is pour the foam in the cup then pour the espresso in, so that the foam is [i]stained[/i]. Macchiato. Stain.”
“Hey man, what’s your birthday?” I asked.
Gemini. Exact same year as an earlier reading in the day. Insert spooky music here.
He wondered off, “Who [i]was[/i] that guy?”
“Him? Oh, he owns the place.”
I’m impressed, an owner who really does know his coffee. Or, at the very least, had a much more reasonable answer than anyone else.
I was wandering back from Magnolia, late dinner reading, and I glanced up over my shoulder – there was the moon, where I expected it to be, in Scorpio (tropical zodiac), with the nicest “face” visible. There was a crater, or other surface irregularity, just where the shadow fell. For all the world, it looked like nose in the shadow’s curve, almost like it was alive. Looks like I’ve got a lot learn about for taking night photographs. The image doesn’t show much. The moon was just special, though, like I’ve never seen before.