Not so weird Wednesday trifecta

Not so weird Wednesday trifecta.

Passed out cold Tuesday night, after being awake for nearly 24 hours, such is the rigors of chasing the sunset. Or jet-lag.

So I got up really early, checked the in box, went back to sleep, got up again, and sorted through the travel gear. I ambled off downtown, wearing my “Jerry Springer the Opera” shirt, a little ahead of the lunch rush, trying desperately to feel normal.

Mail box, post office, coffee shop, then, up and back over to my side of town, where I hit a Wednesday trifecta, working in lunch at Magnolia (“cool shirt, dude, that out, like, on DVD yet?”), back down to Jo’s for a quick brew of espresso, then across the street to Amy’s, for some Mexican Vanilla to float in that Jo’s. (“cool shirt, you gotta tell me, is that for real?”)

When I handed him the “frequent flyer” card for a stamp, just one more to go, I got a long-winded story about Cameron, his girl, and Capricorn’s. Plus other juicy bits of gossip. See, they recognize each others’ marks on the card, and when someone like me gets stamps at different stores, then there will be a message (“heart” Cam) from a scooper at a different store. Just weird, if you ask me. But normal, too, in the Austin afternoon course of events.

I’ve been home less than 24 hours, and I’ve already racked up a couple of phone readings. Not like I’m getting much of a beak from work, I’m back in the saddle again.

No, I didn’t make it to Barton Spring, but I was hoping to. It’s almost that warm, or warm enough, anyway, for a dip in the creek, if not a long soak in the Springs. That picture reminded me of the color of the water.

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