Doing some computer repair work, digital housekeeping, as it were, I came up with some interesting statistics. In the last year? Almost 11,000 emails sent.
Feast Day of St. Adrian & rambling notes
The Patron Saint of Butchers, see, Adrian was a 4th Century Roman soldier, and I’m not liking the way this one’s going.
Let’s see, butchers, web design, warm days and cool nights? I got to poking around on the web, and sometimes I get a little disappointed. The level of entertainment just isn’t there anymore.
Then I came across a link-to-link that lead me a history of TV. Buried in [url=]there, I found that British TV was offline until June 7, 1946. Makes it a Gemini medium, if you ask me. But no one did. However, as a hypothesis, it makes sense.
I’m 90% recovered from the hard drive loss. Got almost everything back up and running. Plus I took the time to toss a few items that I didn’t need. Mercurial house cleaning on the computer.
This was a [url=]curious news item, not the news itself, but the lead in…
“WE NOTE from browsing Barga!n that major computer company Dell appears to be suffering from the equivalent of a planet going retrograde in the heavens.”
Nice to know that the news keeps up with the planets these days. Even though astrology is rubbish. Add your own snickering sounds here.
I was wandering around the boat show, thinking that I should get a shot or two of the big-ticket crafts. Actually, one boat or two boats really did pique my interests. There was this one, huge thing, with ski-towing capabilities, plus a lounge area, and then, best of all, I mean, what caught my attention? the bow itself was low enough, there was a trolling motor mounted up there [i]plus[/i] two fishing chairs. That’s my style.
One salesman did get me roped into a conversation about one particular boat, “See? It’s the best of both worlds: it’s got seven and half foot pole lockers for bass fishing, raised rear deck, and yet, it’s also big enough for bay fishing, with a center console.”
Didn’t really strike my fancy.
But I found a $40K Ranger that did arouse some interest. Maybe one day I’ll learn how to take pictures, too. I was thinking, though, just a shot of the price tag, and a quick note, “honey, if you really love me, buy me one of these?”

I tried the joke at the monthly gathering of web journal writers. I was an absolute jerk, too. I mean, I didn’t mean to be, but I was sitting there, the phone vibrates, I take a call from one Gemini, and it’s going to be a long call, so I wandered across the street to Amy’s, handed over a fully filled out card, and collected a free dish of ice cream.
How thoughtless. Me, grabbing some free ice cream and not even offering to anyone else.
Sort of the way it went. A little swim, a little boat show, some idle web chatter, some coffee, and then, as I wandered home, another call from another Gemini. More work.