Between coffee shops and BBQ
While I was ambling up and back over the Lamar pedestrian bridge, I got to thinking about that one conversation I’d overheard. Something snapped. Now, I wasn’t getting paid for this analysis, so it might be incomplete, but here’s the deal:
What caught my interest initially was a comment about Saturn and Saturn returns. Followed by a comment about 7-year cycles. The guy wasn’t making the leap between Saturn’s 28-year cycle and 7 year cycles he was describing. (Hint: 28 divided by 7 is 4, or one-quarter turn of Saturn, an astrological cycle to me – [url=]the seven year itch.)
The gist, in a nutshell, was his girlfriend at the time of the tale, had gone to a foreign country, had sex with at least two foreigners, then, when confronted later, while the guy was pining away at home, waiting on his true love to return, she finally admitted to having the affairs. According to guy telling the story, and this was just what I overheard, his girlfriend slash true love told the guy the affairs were about taking back her power, something she had to do.
Now, I’ve left out a lot of details, but as I crossed the bridge, the water brilliant, almost inviting, I got to replay snippets of that overheard conversation. Then, wading through the bits and pieces, I realized that the guy was up against the usual double standard that women face all the time.
If there had been waves and if a bolt of sunlight could’ve bounced off the water, I’d of “seen the light.” As it was, I snickered and made a mental note to explore this concept.
If the guy had been traveling, and had an affair or two, it would’ve been “manly.” But if it was a woman, she’s “slutty.” Uh-huh.
The more I rewound that eavesdropped conversation, the more I was struck by the idea that the guy was running into the same double standard that women are judged differently – he was playing the role of “why did I wait for the other person?”
It doesn’t change my definition of fidelity, or relationships, or anything else. I just was rather amused to find the situation where the guy was doing the pining, feeling the hurt and betrayal. Sounded just like so many stories I’ve heard [url=]elsewhere….
Save and comments for the new server, most near any day now.
Coffee shop images – two-meat Tuesday
Weather’s just absolutely brilliant. I decided it was a good time to get out of the trailer as the Pisces neighbor was doing some construction – maybe an art installation – all I know is it involved hammers, nails, saws, and worst of all, noise. What I was thinking about?
At the Inwood Lounge, in Dallas, on Lovers Lane, there’s used to be, might still be there, a holographic image of some famous actor or director, smoking a cigarette, the pink image slowing turning, suspended in some medium. It was, at the time, very [i]avant garde[/i].
Had a revelation, or two. I was overhearing a conversation, true confessions, as a tall, good-looking young man was going on and on about his now-ex-girlfriend. Sounds so familiar. Names, dates, and places change, but certain items just always remain the same. Same story, different wrapper.
I stopped by Halcyon. Ordered up a cappuccino and turns out the espresso machine wasn’t working. “Ya’ll got wireless, doncha? I asked.
“Uh, yeah. The wireless internet isn’t, like, connected to the espresso machine or anything.” (Gemini barista)
I know that.
[url=]Take Five by Paul Desmond, as I recall.
Love the mail:
> Hi,
> You totally flipped me out this week with the Valentine’s Day reference. At
> first I thought it was a mistake, a mistake I make all the time, a slip of
> the tongue, then I thought, he has a mother who is a scorpio, he knows!
> Since I was little I would call Halloween Valentine’s day…not on purpose,
> it would just come out. It was the oddest thing and people would look at
> me like I was an odd one…(a correct assumption, by the way)…then as I
> got older I decided it was appropriate, saying Valentine’s day instead of
> Halloween. It is my favorite holiday, as it is a season of/for love for me,
> and my birthday is the day after, so I “know” at Halloween parties or trick
> or treating, it is all for and about me, so yes.
> Happy Valentine’s day my dear, and Happy Halloween as well!
Unrelated [url=]movie link – as I told bubba, “Damn, that was a good movie.”
Unrelated again: I looked at another horoscope site, and I noticed that advertising copy was linked via words, with a strong tie in, plus there was the weight to consider: scope: 102 words. Advert copy underneath the scope: 45 words.
Maybe that’s what I’m doing wrong, there’s just not enough advertising on this site!