Year in review – part two – the professional points…
Many, many years ago, I was working alongside a professional psychic, a guy that I trust implicitly. He’s since retired and pursues other goals, although, as gifted as he is, I doubt he’s given up – he just doesn’t work the same circuit anymore.
Middle of the afternoon, we were standing at the urinals, doing what guys do there, and he asked about a particular planet’s transit.
“Man, I always feel it when those big planets shift signs,” he was saying, “wow. Those are Ant Eater, huh?”
From [url=]planets in []transit to boots.
So Uranus slipped into Pisces. Pisces is associated with Neptune, and Aquarius is associated with Uranus. Mutual reception
[i]Unrelated sidebar note:[/i]
In older astrology, Aquarius shares Saturn with Capricorn and Pisces shares Jupiter with Sagittarius.
When I was in California, Oakland, to be precise, I got Sister to haul me up to Berkley for an astrology reading by another author. Because our work, in my mind, is so similar, I just figured it was the thing to do.
I’ve been through my own chart so many times, I didn’t figure that there was much to talk about that I haven’t seen before. Approaching a reading with zero expectations is good. Besides, I’ve been through all the tough transits, and I didn’t figure that there was anything new he could throw at me. However, he’s one of the few astrology authors I truly have a deep and abiding respect for, and his approach seems very similar to my own.
He asked what my expectations were, and I said I had none – I’d already learned a great deal from just going through the process of booking a reading, that “Should I spend the money on talking to an astrologer about what the future trends might be” thing. Cold feet, trying to arrange a good time to meet, where to meet, all the material I have to go through to arrange for a reading – from the consumer side.
Deal is, he charges just about the same as I do, and like me, he doesn’t do too many readings in person – most of the work is phone work.
It was amazing. Remember, my expectations were zero. I’m sorry, perhaps it’s my own arrogance, but I’m pretty sure that there’s not a lot left that’s going to be new to me.
As far as I was concerned just going through the process was worth the price of admission, before I ever got the reading..
The reading itself was nothing big, but I was in top form for listening. Which is what I did. Ahead of time, I’d reread some of his books, then followed up with other books he recommends. Same [url=]books I recommend.
It’s taken me a while to get around to digesting the whole experience.
Part of the message came back the other evening, when Uranus headed into Pisces.
No, I don’t have any “tall, dark handsome stranger” entering my life to sweep me away. No stranger from a foreign land to make my life complete. No promise of a big lottery win. Questions about direction, affirmations of what I know and do, possible points to ponder for the future.
Last image I remember was him, with a wan smile, sitting on the stoop in front of his home, sorting through his junk mail. Just like anyone else.
A year in review – Year of the Monk
I’d written a good 2K worth of words, trying to get a handle of the year. But in the final analysis, I wasn’t happy. Blame Mercury? Sure. So here’s the [url=]top ten, annotated annotations.
10. [url=]Old stats
9. [url=]1st notation of Uranus going into Pisces
8. [url=]Fishing
7. [url=]Trains
6. [url=]Summer Time
5. [url=]Working
4. [url=]That flame mail!
3. [url=]Music: response
2. [url=]Left Coast shuffle
1. [url=]Opera and theater