Two meat Tuesday
My internal clock is just thoroughly trashed by now. Day & night swapped places, sleeping until almost noon, something’s not right.
I can always trace the problem back to two sources, and I’m sure some of this starts with a lad named Bubba. “Wait, isn’t it always the fault of some guy named Bubba?”
Works for me. Along with the sleeping patterns that are thoroughly upset and twisted around, I’ve had nothing but weird dreams lately. Not bad, just full of lots of action. Then to top it all off, the way I work, I usually spend the morning (or early afternoon these days) writing. Writing horoscopes because that’s what most of the site’s traffic reads.
As I was prepping the February scopes, I discovered a whole week that was blank. Which then sent me into a tailspin, wondering just who let this slide by? I looked around for someone to beat, someone to rail at, thwack on the head, but the []cat[/url] just rolled over and meowed.

Right, can’t blame her.
Poking around for something else on Amazon, I cam across a listing for a new release, [url=]Confusion[/url] by Neal Stephenson, Book II of the prequel to his [i]Diamond Age[/i]. Scince I’m still muddling through [url=]Quicksilver[/url], the timing ought be about right. That book is a second reason for sleep patterns to be upended, too. I’ll get started reading late at night and then not get to bed early enough to wake up early enough and it starts all over.
Cool iPod [url=]analysis[/url].
Two-meat-Tuesday did include a two-meat plate at the BBQ place. Mr. “you can’t say ‘bubba Sean’ without saying BS” was in rare form.
[b]Totally off topic:[/b]
All right, real quick, unrelated, following a link from the iPod piece, I found out that Apple & Macs are cool. Great. Then following another link, there was a comment about a question used in a survey, I think I recall the survey group was 20-35 years of age, “What five companies/products would you endorse if you were a celebrity spokesperson?”
(I might have it all wrong, but that prompted the good question)
What five [5] companies or products would you endorse?
5) Vehicles built before 1974. When style and fashion, and sometimes, a lack of common sense, or perhaps, a vehicle that assumed common sense. Check the oil and put on your seatbelt. Early 60’s passenger cars with fins. Trucks that had enough room to get to the motor itself.
4) Local bookstores, small & large, like Whole Life Books (1006 S. Lamar) or the giant Book People.
3) Handmade – in Texas – cowboy boots
2) Handmade in San Antonio, TX: Piper Sandals.
1) Sure, Apple computer. They still have a tech support call center here in Austin.
Coke or Pepsi? How about a Dr. Pepper? Or coffee from a non-chain, independent coffee shop where each shot of espresso is packed and squeezed by hand? Newspapers that aren’t part of a corporate newsfeed? Radio stations that feature local musicians?