Web dustbin collection:
Another one for the [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00014K5ZA/fishinguideto-20]wish list[/url].
And the “register” to comment issue. I compared a half-dozen pieces of “blog” software when I moved everything to [url=www,pmachine.com]pMachine[/url]. One of its intricacies is that it requires a browser to register before leaving a comment.
I’d already had trouble with comments in the past, so the software safely logs an IP address &c. before letting someone leave a comment. It’s for your own good. Trust me. Just look at the trouble Moveable Type is having these days.
The “internet” now covers 69% of America, with 37% of that on broadband, according to this [url=http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/us_internet_poll]news[/url].
How to [url=http://www.electionprojection.com/elections2004.html]watch[/url] the upcoming election.
Yes, and it’s St. Sebastion’s Feast Day (Patron Saint of Archers)…
Of course, archery has pretty much been in decline for the last half dozen centuries, not much good for hunting or protection, just sport.