Missing parts – Feast day of St. Julian the Hospitaler
Know what this place is really missing? A flag. Just a plain, Texas flag. I should add, I do have a real one, up over my bed. And that St. Julian? Probably fictitious, the saint of alehouse keepers, travelers and circus performers.
But if I got around to digging through my graphic [url=http://www.astrofish.net/aimages/index.html]archives[/url], I’m sure there’s a flag or two in there. Or I could use an animated, waving flag. “Yeah buddy, that flag’s a waving because of the breeze generated by the cooling fan on the power supply for your computer.” Uh-huh.
But the Republic of Texas had a number of [url=http://www.lsjunction.com/facts/flags.htm]flags[/url], about a half dozen, if I recall. My personal favorite’s still that Gonzales flag, “Come and Take It.” The original is pretty beat up, and copies just don’t do justice to the image.

The [url=http://www.shakespeares-globe.org]Shakespeare Globe[/url] logo is still part of the current masthead, but that’s a personal nod towards my favorite charity.
And some how, there really should be the universal image of a [i]Micropterus Salmoides[/i] with a lure in its mouth, but I let the Bass Pro Shop ad carry that image’s weight.
Bubba stopped by to soak up some of the neighbor’s bandwidth, piggy-backed wireless, and we got to talking about my trip, and how Corpus Christi was home to What-a-burger. Which lead to late night dash to the local establishment. Just all in a night’s entertainment – must be the alehouse keeper part.
“Wasn’t it last week? We were talking about food and how it’s bad to eat this late?”
I’m based in Austin, so I really should fly a flag. I’m just not sure which one. I’m still partial to that Gonzales flag, myself. A Texian flag, a Texas flag, really, it does embody that Austin spirit. Like St Julian the Hospitaler, patron saint of alehouse keepers, travelers and circus performers.