Post VD – Lucky sevens.
I got into Lubbock around midnight. Lubbock was almost snowed in. In central Texas, I tend to stay completely off the roads when there’s any hint of frozen precipitation. In Lubbock, I wasn’t quite as lucky.
I glanced through hotel directory, then I just figured it was best to catch a cab. Seeing as how my luggage arrived long before I did, I didn’t have to wait. What was weird, on the plane to Lubbock: full flight. Sat next to a couple of Aries girls. Way it goes.
Cab # 7. It wasn’t without a few extra bits of fun as the cab driver was moaning about how he was so busy because of the snow. I had to share a ride with a couple of kids headed to bars.
When I checked in, the room number? Add the numbers together? Seven.
Saturday morning dawned clear and cold. Along with the weather, there was an 18-wheeler outside my window, coughing stuttering and choking with the frozen landscape. I slipped and slid next door to grab a bite of breakfast. I skipped the breakfast buffet, after last weekend’s experience, and opted for some of the best biscuits. Ever.
The place did advertise “free high-speed internet.” If I’d a brought an Ethernet cable, I’d been wired. As it was, stuck on dial-up again….

Lubbock in the snow….
After airfare and meals? Maybe $70 profit? Lucky Sevens.
There’s got to be an easier way to make money.
There’s got to be an easier way to make money.