That one picture.

(hint: it’s in West Texas)
I’m fixin’ to upgrade the journal software. I’ve been mightily impressed with []this one[/url], so I was toying with moving everything over to their “pro” version, called “expression engine.” The install was slick and easy, but I have to wait a spell because the import function will burn up processor time.
First action? Turned off the awful smiley icons.
I was in line at the Austin airport, and the flight to Lubbock was overbooked. “Any volunteers? You get….”
Before they could finish the list of perks for taking a later flight, I was in line. Gemini and Taurus attendants. Credit, next flight, refund of a ticket price? Seeing as how I wasn’t doing anything that evening, [i]anyway[/i], thought I’d take the hit. Take a bullet for the team. If it wasn’t snowing, I’d swear, I could’ve made it there faster by driving.
“Why’s it so busy?” I queried the Gemini.
“Holiday weekend?”
“What holiday?”
“Don’t know, hey, what’s the holiday?”
“President’s Day.”
“It’s president’s day.”
“Oh, cool.” Shrug.