Two notes from the Las Cruces, El Paso expedition.
Uno: About them astrology charts: the lecture occurred during the exact time of the New Moon, which was the Moon lined up with the Sun lines up Uranus. Weird, jolting , energetic start to something new.
For the astrologically inclined, when the moon was dark, that is, when the moon was in the same sign as the sun (Pisces, on this occasion), all the charts I looked at were “doubles,” as in double Aries. Double this, double that, which means, the chart’s sun and the chart’s moon were in the same sign. New Moon (Dark Side of the Moon) energy. Strange occurrence. Probably just a coincidence.
Dos: two trips to the Casino, such as it is, and with that New Moon, I thought I could break the bank. Came close on two separate occasions. Once each night.
The best one was an actual jackpot on the X-Factor machine. Ran my total of coins (quarters) to over 1100. Not bad for a $20 investment (80 quarters).
I just wish this casino had table games. Be much more fun. Plus, the trip was preceded by going to a branch of my bank and making a deposit. I think it’s important to make a deposit in order to deposit the day’s earnings in a safe place before hopping over to a [url=]casino[/url].