Subtitle: how many farm animals can you fit on a plate?
Every picture tells a story.
The truck.

Kreuz’s Part One.
Kreuz’s Part Two
Black’s BBQ
Jackalope in Black’s dining room.
Two-Meat Tuesday.
It’s a platter, at the Green Mesquite. Tuesday’s special. I worked on a website for a client Tuesday morning. Then I worked with astrology clients for a little while. Then I fished for a short spell, as the sun was playing hide and seek with skittering cloud cover. I finally suited up and rambled off for a late lunch in a packed BBQ joint, and from there, headed towards SXSW, the last day. One more workshop, “Getting it (online)” was the title. Figured it would be good for some humor.
Maybe. Maybe not. Last workshop, last thing for the geek stuff, and everyone was a little burned out. Just an educated guess, but that was what I sensed. Two folks with advanced psychology degrees and the rest of the panel were clowns. Especially one of my favorite Aquarius personalities (“I don’t believe that astrology stuff”) []Ben Brown[/url], local luminary.
Talk about past lives and ex-wives, I ran into a former employee, from, well, a long time ago, in land far, far away. Stuck back in the fog of a forgotten childhood, a grey-headed – now a professor – emerged on a side street near the convention center. I greeted him by his first name. He did the up and down scan, looked twice, blinked, tried to focus, and since I didn’t have my badge on, he was having trouble. “Kramer? Kramer!”
3 minutes of catch-up and “I’ve got to catch a plane chatter.” He was a film panelist. I was just a scholarship attendee for the “interactive” – big difference.
He rushed off; I paused, grinned, giggled to myself at running into him, and headed towards the arena. Two local volunteers who apparently know me, assured me that chuckling to myself was “not allowed.” I just couldn’t help it. He’s been showing up for this thing for 11 years, and this is the first time I’ve run into him.
“Wow,” he kept muttering, “you look good.”
I believe he meant “healthy.” I was just coming in from a 2-meat platter, I’d cleared zero fish but some good time casting a line, done some miles on the trail, and I was thinking my way through some academic problem. Shorts, sandals, a little sun crisp, a Hawaiian shirt (made in Hawaii, thank-you-very-much), feeling in top form for a slow Tuesday. That’s not what I looked like years ago. Plus, I know that I don’t know much. Then? I knew it all. Right. Sure. The folly of youth….
I ran into an ex-girlfriend, current client, and others while I was waiting around for that last workshop. I’m sticking to working out theories, trends, and personality traits with planets. It’s what I like to do.
Two-meat-Tuesday is going to lead to a BBQ sojourn, I hope. That’s the plan.
Plus this:

(phone photo didn’t turn out right – should say “Tim Dorsey Tonight!)