Planet news:
Ah yes, but from an [i]astrological[/i] perspective? Until I get a good draw on it, I’d have to really consider more along the lines of the ‘roids. Asteroids, not really planets, much weaker influence.
Workshops, part the first:
Two workshops, one in depth, one just cursory glance. As I walked into the convention center, and approached the information booth, Erica looked up at me, “Oh, you’ve had your hole punched – I can’t help you.”
[]Craig[/url] []Newmark[/url] spoke for an hour about the history of Craig’s List, the uses, the grass roots, democratic, self-policing, the work he does, and so and so forth. He did have a couple of choice quotes, though.
“I don’t care much for the integrity of my agenda.”
I found out that the “personals” section on Craigslist grew out of women searching for dating material through the “roommates wanted” ads because guys were more likely to be truthful when advertising for shared living space, [i]i.e.[/i], roommate ads.
“Logic and reason don’t work with human behavior.”
I was buoyed by the fact that Craig actual had the term “moral compass” included and displayed his PowerPoint presentation.
For the other workshop, I started out with the first presenter’s impressive display of acronyms: W3C, HTML, CSS, SMIL, XML, SVG, ATAG, WCAG. UAAG, API, RTFM. The notes stopped there. I certainly recognize that last one. But I did resolve to, at some point, redo some of the underpinnings to this website to make sure that they are more [url=]accessible[/url] to folks with poor eyesight. Or no eyesight, which was the point of the workshop. An interesting question was raised, and never really resolved, but at what point is it the [url=]user’s responsibility[/url] – no longer in the problem of the designer or coder?

The bus in front of the Broken Spoke.