The way this works. There’s been so much material written about “what is a blog” that I don’t care to cover that subject. At all. Besides, this is more a web journal, although the lines between the two are pretty thin.
What I use this entire website for? Testing and research. Astrological research in what makes human behaviors what they are. I’ve always loved the way two people with similar astrological signatures can react in largely different ways. Dig deep enough, though, and frequently the motivation is the same.
So this isn’t a weblog, or blog, or even really a web journal. I used to save rejection letters but they bother me less and less, and what I do hold on to are successes.
I was asked about one example of research, testing, and process – my luck with a certain asteroid, as a behavioral influence, proved, to me, that the asteroid’s purported influence was minimal. One in less than 200 felt its influence. Conclusion? Worthless as an indicator unless supported by other data.
But that’s the astrological – behavioral – psychological side of the text. The other aspect, my personal textual playground? That’s what this is.
It’s also a record, of my activity, what’s up, what’s going on, where I am, and so forth.

Buddha + sign
I tend, at times, the consider this a form of fiction. My life, as I like it lived, or as I live it, or, whatever happens.
There’s something about, in the words of famous Texas author, “wrestling the events to the page,” that puts it al in perspective.
Ma Wetzel did pass through town, and I did load her little car with that Buddha, destination: Dallas, purpose: Sister. I could very easily have taken it up there myself, but I just thought it was more fitting to ride with Ma Wetzel. Gave her something to worry about. My humor turned strange, and I had that business card for some reason, and I tucked it under the statuette.
Gemini’s – or just about any sign – they pop up in groups of three. At a gun range, I suppose, that would be a good grouping. Sister – panic over a medical issue – Gemini her in town, ex-boyfriend, and the third? Bubba Sean – “Welcome to Corporate America.”