We’ll meet again…
Went to see [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000055Y0X/fishinguideto-20]Dr. Strangelove[/url] at the Alamo last night. What a fantastic, wonderful, exceptional film.
Check out the cast, young versions of each (1964 film). Done in glorious black & white.
Just an excellent film, enhanced, no doubt, by this being my first ever theater viewing. I think I’ve seen this on TV, or maybe I had a videotape of it at one time. Love the way the credits look.
One bit of trivia, presumably a fact I’ve learned and since forgotten, was that [url=http://www.terrysouthern.com]Terry Southern[/url] was included as one of the screenwriters.
In this viewing, I was particularly taken with a young George C. Scott’s version of the General Buck. He reminds me of some one.
My mind must be in the gutter, but I couldn’t help but see flagrant sexual innuendo in the very first scene, a B-52 refueling in mid-air.
More on tats
Submitted by a [url=http://evilcabeza.net/]Sagittarius[/url] the tattoo
Round a-bout, 3/10/04 2:36 AM, ya’ll “cabeza” said:
> It’s called “Largemouth Bass de Guadalupe”.

Anyone know what the Texas State Fish is?