That leads to Austin?
Couple of points, from El Paso. I woke in the middle of the night, an eerie calm on the landscape, except for the glow of the TV. I stuck my head in the bedroom, the hostess was (probably) asleep, as I didn’t investigate. But on the almost silent TV? Fish programs. “There, you got a fish!”

I was teased for this shot, but I like it.
When I woke up for good, later in the morning, rolled out for a shower and morning ablations, I noticed that there was a kitty toy in bed with me. I’m not sure the meaning of it. Margarita explained that the cat wants to play. I slept right through it. Unless it was some sort kitty pagan sacrifice to the almighty Kramer. [i]It could happen.[/i]
Breakfast on the way with Bubba – alone – and we talked web pages as Ms. Grace will be getting hers running in a few days. Plus, we talked straight fishing and hunting. No BS, no girlie talk, no crap about signs.
Small world. Ran into another one of them Harris County heartbreakers, literally, a stately and elegant Virgo. Code name? [url=]Derringer[/url]. From the Honky-Tonk Heartbreakers. A roller derby queen. Thought I’d seen the last of the mean, tough girls when I left El Paso.
For all her brilliance (post-doc in bio-something), she didn’t get the Midsummer Night’s Eve reference to Pyramus and Thisbee while we talked between seats (Act V, scene I). She was sitting behind me.
I had a couple of emergency readings when I hit Austin. Weird how that works. But in between the readings, I did wet line and look what I fished out of the lake.