Questions for you to ponder (these were pitched to me by the radio hostess – an mp3 of the show will be available soon enough):
1. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
[]Amy’s[/url] Mexican Vanilla floating in a double shot of Jo’s espresso.
2. If you could have talked the moment you were born, what would you have said?
“Quick! Look at the clock, what time is it? What’s that make my rising sign?”
3. What is the [i]next[/i] most important accomplishment of your life?
There’s a bass, I’ve hooked her twice thus far, and I really want to haul her up a third time and get her picture. She broke 8-pound line, so she’s a decent catch. Just for a picture, I want her to spawn next year, too. She’s fought – and won – twice now.
4. What book would you have written if you could be anyone in history?
[url=]Neuromancer[/url] by William Gibson. – I was in college, and the book changed my world view – most important – though – there’s an urgency and vibrant nature to the style of the text. Dark, foreboding. Alive.
5. What three people, living or dead, would you want to join for a meal?
[url=]William Shakespeare[/url], [url=]William Blake[/url] and [url=]William Gibson[/url]
6. Which do you enjoy most, sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. No, sunrise when fishing. And if the fish are biting. Otherwise, sunrise is scheduled too early in the day.
Sunrise, on a lake, in a boat, having caught one fish already? That’s the best. Otherwise, though, sunrise should be scheduled around a noon.
Some days just don’t get any better than this.
I was on the radio – Cosmic Conversations 2nd thing in the morning. First thing was to wet a line a bit. Then I wandered downtown. I was making idle chatter with a Gemini, “You’re my favorite Gemini,” and she blushed lightly. I’d only told two other Geminis that before. That day. I was destined, as it turned out, to tell one more Gemini she was my favorite.
A neighbor wandered in, and he patted me on the back. I walked over to his table, a little worried that he didn’t really recognize me with a shirt on, and we made idle conversation. He then allowed as how that astrology gig was all right by him.
From there, I wandered on home, dropped a little lizard on a finesse rod into the water and hooked up with this feller:

A couple of my neighbors were watching.
“See,” I said, “I now have witnesses – I do catch fish here.”
Finally, a Virgo popped around to the trailer and allowed as how I’d hit a situation right on target for her.
“You really are amazing.”
Bagged this guy late last night, after class: