Rolled out of bed early on Sunday morning, grabbed the pole and a pocketful of worms, and headed down to the waterline. Lake was down, trash (organic and inorganic) from the recent rains was floating along, and there it was. That same old carp. I’d recognize that fin anywhere. I half-heartedly tossed a worm in the water, just once, but that carp was making waves and roiling around in the floating debris. Think I’ll skip fishing. Carp are a good sign that the bass ain’t hitting.
Need [url=]seed[/url]?
[i]Even more unrelated:[/i]
And here, I thought [url=]this[/url] was going to be about fishing.
[i]Keep Austin Weird[/i]
[url=]Keep Austin Weird[/url] Department:

A baby buffalo. His name is Clyde. He’s about ten months old. I was headed towards the post office – downtown. Sure, we have wildlife just roaming around. Home on the strange.
Shout out to [url=]The Fat Guy[/url]:
I stopped by the Texas Chili Parlor, up on Lavaca, or Guadalupe, or whatever the street’s called. Just a half block or so south of 15th street. Too far north for my tastes. Except that the food’s as good as ever, maybe even better.
New menus are usually a sign that the prices have gone up and quality has gone down. I don’t recall if the prices have changed, but the quality is as good as I remember it. I ordered up a small bowl of Triple X Chili. It’s real chili – no beans – and the side of the plate is covered with diced white onion and sliced jalepeƱos. Chunks of dead cow, good parts, from what I understand, floating in a thick broth, rich in chili powder and other spices. Big, meaty chunks of some kind of steak. Brisket, maybe. I put all the japs and onions in the chili. I also went through about two quarts of ice tea. Seemed the afternoon was turning out all right, off to a meeting….