Up out early on Friday morning, only to read the weather – as in gaze at clouds – not computer screen – or radio – or printed forecast – and decided against fishing. I worked for a spell, then lay down for a quick nap.
In the nap, the guy I’m supposed to go fishing with on Sunday, he’s moved. New house, him and the wife – the wife’s a darling, precious Pisces – and house with a trap door all appear. Then there was crocodile. It came up through a trap door in the floor, as it turns out, the house is over a body of water, and that water is really good for fishing.
Weird dream, right? But wait…. The alligator turns into an elephant, and the elephant swallows my buddy up whole. We call 9-1-1. While waiting on the paramedics, I unsnarl some more fishing line, cast out once, and then go back to the scene inside where the elephant is being held in place by the frame, and somebody else has the creatures ears pinned back, which then makes the elephant yell, and the hat & feet of my buddy are visible. Swallowed whole.
“Are you going to get me out or what?”
“We’re working on it! Help is on the way!”
The paramedics unlimber their gear, another goes back to the truck to get mega-anesthesia for the elephant, and it all works out.
Somewhere, too, in that dream, I caught decent bass.
The meaning of the dream? It means I took an antihistamine Thursday night, drank some coffee Friday morning, and I’ve been reading the last couple of hundred pages of [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0060523867/fishinguideto-20]Confusion[/url], which includes, alligators and [url=http://www.meckgop.com/elephant.html]elephants[/url].
No [url=http://www.democrats.org/about/donkey.html]conlcusions[/url]. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll do this to the mind in the wee hours of the morning.
Hike & Bike Trail
All the mile markers I could find. Interesting point? These are all shot in the last week, meaning I’ve covered the trail end to end. Proof of concept, I suppose.
I realize 8.5 miles of mile markers isn’t really that interesting, it’s more like a milestone for me. It’s sort of like looking at my [url=www.astrofish.net/cam.shtml]living room[/url], or front porch.