Two items from the Register, [url=http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/07/25/houston_airport_rangers/]one[/url] about Houston Airport Ranger (wryly amusing), and a [url=http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/07/26/king_arthurs_bytes/]second[/url] with an engaging title, “King Arthur and his Bytes of the Round Table,” or something like that.
Last Roll
Anyone who’s played with Apple’s “photo suite” knows that there’s a feature that shows the last roll imported. (Photo [url=http://hesiod.org/photography/]credits[/url]: Jeff Anton)

Picture on the wall. Wonder what kind of bait?
Cuban cigar in Paris.
Brilliant coffee.
A mussel. On plate in a cafe, in Paris.