Patron [url=]Saint[/url] of Married Women. Well, enough about [i]that[/i]. Despite my monk-like behavior, I seriously doubt I’ll ever be turned into a saint.
[i]Book notes:[/i]
Within the last year, I saw Mark Rylance play Richard II, on [url=]stage[/url]. For the foreseeable future, I have an image of the historical Richard II as portrayed by a Capricorn (the actor, not the character). Came to mind while I was wending my way through the [url=]Clerkenwell Tales[/url], as there was mention of the characters, and the stage image came swimming back to me. Not unlike so many others, my mental image of English history is colored by the interpretations I’ve seen on the stage.
[i]In the news:[/i]
“GTT” was the [url=]slogan[/url], according to history, letters left on the settlers’ old homesteads as they migrated westward. Looks like the migration isn’t quite [url=,13262,1291460,00.html]over[/url].
Another Texan, apparently, in the [url=]news[/url].
Three-meat Thursday (thankfully, I don’t o this very often) – (the three-meat platter) – (on Thursday) – I was headed back from Barton Creek, and I was thinking about where to eat, Sandy’s? When what hove into sight – a little “truckette” with a certain [url=]sore Pisces[/url]. “Hey good-lookin’,” she said. We chatted while I chowed, she had ice tea and hustled off to work, “When is Mercury not going to be Retrograde?” September 3, more or less. Over behind another place, a certain Scorpio was just exiting the parking lot. Then some feller was honking and waving, “Kramer! Dude!” I have no idea who it was. Sunny, [i]friendly[/i] day in South Austin.
[i]Load and go:[/i]
Off to the airport, and from thence, to points north of El Paso, to teach a workshop and do consultation – it’s still my favorite time of the year for westward travels.