
“I ain’t no website wonder…” ([url=]source[/url]?)

In El Paso and ready to work. Plus, I’ve got to paper the town with flyers for the following weekend in Las Cruces, NM (look at a map, they’re neighbors – geographically).

Straightened out [url=]Graces[/url] site, a little. Ran into them firewall problems and had to resort to using a dial-up connection to upload changes. That’s just archaic.

Stopped off at the casino for lunch, and I managed to walk out of there with a few extra dollars – this time. But I was using astrology timing and Grace’s advice on what machine to stick the money into.

What it worked out to, near as I could tell, was that there is such a thing a free lunch.

I only hope that this portends well for the coming days.

The sunset, the Franklin Mountains, purple and red in the evening’s twilight.