Those Texas Freeways? Two meat Tuesday?
The “President Bush Highway” from the toll road, right? Since the tax payers pay for the highway, is that toll road just collecting re-election money?
Seems like getting out of Dallas is always a chore.
Who would want to leave this behind?

(frozen coffee in the pool)
The day did deteriorate though. Just the way it goes with that jet-set attitude.
But Austin is the same:
“How much? 50 cents, right?” I asked, getting on the bus.
“Ozone Day. Free.” The driver replied.
“Righteous.” The guy behind me said.
[i]Not so righteous:[/i]
Home phone, the reading line? It’s broke. Busy tone. All the time. Must be a Mercury thing, an electric car without electricity and the business line is always busy.