Gone fishing

Saturday, up and out, off to the lake to catch fish.

Or try to, anyway. Friday morning, as I was worrying through some material, I took a quick spin to the lake’s edge, just to see what there was. Lot’s a small fish schooling, and a couple of prowling bass, and at one point, I’m pretty sure I saw my old [url=http://astrofish.net/weblog/comments.php?id=1106_0_1_0_C]girlfriend[/url] again.

Useless [url=http://www.mercyseat.net/BROCHURES/marriagelicense.htm]link[/url] about marriage licenses.

Rehearsal dinner was nice. There were two groups. One group was from Deep East Texas (groom, Sagittarius) and the other side was from New York, Long Island (bride, Aries). Texas BBQ. Which was too bad for the vegetarians. Yeah, well there was potato salad and some bread. Sweet Tea, all the trimmings.

Oh yeah, the service will be fun. Then I get to fish. Fish – service – fish.