Two-Meat Tuesday

Today is the feast day of [url=]St. Adrian[/url], the patron saint of butchers, and by extension, the patron of two-meat platters everywhere. Funny thing happened at the BBQ place, but wait, I’ll save that for a scope.

Vote or not. One great Texan suggested getting out the vote, as in, “Vote early, vote often.” Can’t say that I’m all in favor of that, but I am in favor of voting. Here’s the deal, the guys from “Hot or Not” have a contest/drawing with big cash prizes. Follow the [url=]link[/url] and register. Then register to vote. Then vote. Can’t bitch if you don’t vote, and a shot at 100 grand ought to be enticing, although, it’s a sad state of affairs when voters have to be enticed.

From the [url=]book list[/url]:
[url=]Swimming to Catalina[/url] by Stuart Woods. To me, it’s classic “airport reading,” a pot boiler mystery-type. A friend’s husband recommended it. It’s what I would call, “a good paperback.” It’s much more linear than [url=]Clerkenwell Tales[/url], which, to me, seems to be an almost anecdotal tapestry, carefully woven so that the sum of the parts creates a great mystery – and solution. Very different.

I encountered one “leap of faith” that stretched my ability to believe in the main character in Stuart Wood’s book, though, the guy (protagonist) was complaining about how he didn’t get “closure” (page 117) with his ex-girlfriend. Not realistic for macho, he-man character. But that could be me. Allow me my illusions.

Side dish (fried okra): turning [url=]pro[/url].

And as for a [url=]salad[/url]?