The Muses

From the wall.


“England we love.” King John (II.i.91)

So Sister was relating – in Gemini time – at about a 100 words a minute, that, well, in her own words, “I think the whipped cream gave me the yeast infection.”

Yeah, well, for those who wanted enlightenment, when family gets together, sometimes there’s a little too much information.

But hark, one of her new friends is also in the Globe’s [i]Much Ado[/i]. Plus, that “Measure” I wanted to see? Turns out it’s a celebrated piece; therefore, Sister has a sudden interest.

“Yea, see, I was doing my dishes, and I realized I could cast that Scottish play, you know, the broccoli could be the woods that move, and the butter knife, ‘is this dagger I see before me?’ and the sponge, it could be Lady MacBeth, ‘Out damn spot.'”

Sudden enlightenment? All I’ll promise is a long, strange trip.