WSJ: “Bomb Texas”

WSJ: “Bomb Texas”

[url=]This piece was online the other night.

I had a really good answer to the question, and I was interrupted by several phone calls. Never got back to the spirit that I had. My morning reading, Tuesday morning, ran late. In the interim, over a cup of some really good coffee, I read part of the local newspaper, aptly abandoned on the coffee house bar. My notes from the morning include a pullout quote, “If Sam Houston could defeat Santa Anna’s forces with 680 Mexican dead and only 9 Texans lost, during a battle that lasted only 18 minutes, then the [State] Legislature can balance the budget in this session….” Or something like that.

Battle of San Jacinto. Adjust for Texas-sized urban sprawl and that very battlefield is probably within Houston’s current city limits. You sure about that op/ed headline? You know what happens when we’re really pissed? [url=]One Houston dweller’s answer, several years ago.

Ma Wetzel had an interesting tidbit, but regrettably, the whole story takes up too much space. I suppose, it helps to be related to folks who have first-hand knowledge about the inner workings of the political office, and family members who did, and continue to have, a voice that the conservative government listens to.

What I found amusing, on a personal note, looking around the dinner table, I asked who voted for whom. Three Democrats with my odd, occasional Libertarian vote tossed in. I just don’t understand how we wound up with such a strong GOP state.

Bomb Texas? Are you kidding? You know what happens when we get pissed?

“Hey Bubba, watch this!”

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