
Words words words (It’s a quote from one my favorite plays) Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke – a definitive answer – and this map explains [url=http://www.popvssoda.com/countystats/total-county.html]a lot[/url]. Compare and contrast the three main places I’ve lived, New Mexico, Arizona and Central Texas. Other words: unexpected [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0001WN0KY/fishinguideto-20]expenses[/url]. Up at 5, hobbled over to the east side Words

Feast Day of Saint Bede

Feast Day of Saint Bede [url=http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/BEDE.htm]Bede the Venerable[/url]. Always did like that [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000002GBJ/fishinguideto-20]CoE material[/url]. New [url=http://www.alabamalakes.net/cart/files/SpotstickerIII.htm]presentation[/url]. Even more much ado about nothing: [url=http://www.timdorsey.com/2004zaust.jpg]Two Texas authors[/url] in that link. I was going back and forth with a sales rep from the [url=www.fwweekly.com]Fort Worth Weekly[/url]. She was an Aquarius. Aquarius: “We’re not weird, they’re just stupid.” Couldn’t Feast Day of Saint Bede


Vote! Sorry to pander to the masses, but vote for [url=http://austinblogger.com/]xenon[/url]? (I hate being at the bottom of the list.) Two-meat Tuesday 1. BBQ 2. The Code 1. Two-meat Tuesday’s ribs were pieces of art. Real ribs, done right. Really right. I might’ve just been outrageously hungry, but the ribs were good. Brisket was a Vote

Stubbed toe

I stubbed a barefoot toe on the curb the other afternoon. Maybe I cracked it or something. Lost a little flesh, not so much that I’d notice, but the toe is black and blue now, at least in places. Which didn’t interfere with fishing on Monday morning. Or catching a fish. Nope, no picture, just Stubbed toe


Broke the Mexican pattern Sunday night, after work. Hopped on over to the Catfish Parlor, down south, for a change of pace. None of the crew I knew was there, and after a few comments from myself – I’m usually a jerk after working all day – the sweet Pisces interjected that she was glad Catfish

Mexican Food

Had one of the best tortillas ever, along with some shredded beef for breakfast, Saturday morning. Had some might fine Mexican food Saturday night, too. After we got done, I talked my Sagittarius into a quick trip to the sporting goods store, seeing as we were already “pretty close.” Then, while looking for some yellow Mexican Food

Friday five

1. Saturday and Sunday are [url=www.astrofish.net/travel.html]work[/url] days. 2. Andy Kaufman [url=http://andykaufmanreturns.blogspot.com/]returns[/url]? 3. Lunch with [url=www.devota.org]Devota[/url] was a rare pleasure. A little treasure of a spot in East Austin. English, when it was listed, was second. The food was amazing, too. 4. Dinner was with Greg, Pecan & Bubba Sean, a meeting, such as it was. Friday five

Thursday’s Three-Meat Platter

If life can be defined in terms of BBQ, then what does that make Thursday? It’s either silly, or rhetorical. 1. Download text files of some [url=http://www.promo.net/pg/]plays[/url] I [url=www.shakespeares-globe.org/]hope[/url] to [url=www.astrofish.net/travel.html]see[/url]. 2. Try and trouble shoot the [url=http://www.astrofish.net/about]subscription[/url] thing for a Leo. 3. Walk to the creek and go for a swim. I also tried Thursday’s Three-Meat Platter

I may be out of line, but

It’s a quote from a client, “I may be out of line, but why don’t you write a book about creativity?” It’s not the first time that I’ve heard such a comment. Or something similar. Why don’t you write a book about, insert a topic here. I’ve got memories, dreams and reflections recorded here. Funny, I may be out of line, but