Rock stars

Rock stars. Rough news. “Kenny G!” No. “Michael Bolton?” Now you can imagine a scene from [url=]Office Space[/url]. Bonus question, which Austin restaurant was used for location? Okay, the bag checker at the SWA curbside, both of the guys, they were nice. But, as they determined, eventually, their computer wasn’t working. Not without a good Rock stars

Perfect timing – Virgo time

Why would I be concerned about messing around the exact location of the planets for a time to gamble? Just a whim, [i]but it never hurts to stack the deck whenever possible[/i]. I was looking for a window that “as good as it gets” for the time being. Communications are in turmoil because the Mercury Perfect timing – Virgo time

Beat Generation

[]Robin[/url] and I were comparing notes, and he started by quoting a little poetry (not that this is odd): “Hipsters, flipsters, and finger snapping daddies….” (Lawrence Ferlengetti, be my guess, as I guessed at the spelling, not having a library or net access to check anything). I was meandering about and I was struck, once Beat Generation


Lyrics: “I ain’t no website wonder…” ([url=]source[/url]?) In El Paso and ready to work. Plus, I’ve got to paper the town with flyers for the following weekend in Las Cruces, NM (look at a map, they’re neighbors – geographically). Straightened out [url=]Graces[/url] site, a little. Ran into them firewall problems and had to resort to Lyrics

Friday five

Is there still a [i]Friday Five[/i] around? I don’t know. Never did play well within the confines of the rules, but then, I’ve never really had much of a problem finding material to write about. 1. A couple of days ago, I was intrigued by Mistress Fredlet’s [url=]question[/url], who do you want to be when Friday five

Beer story

Original source: []TFG[/url]: It’s about a [url=]beer swilling bear[/url]. At first. I shot the link over to a cousin, and we both agreed that the beer was wimp for only downing 36 cans of beer. > You wrote: >>> 36 aint bad, depending on how big the bear was. >> Well, he skipped the Busch Beer story

And don’t forget

“Time wounds all heels.” (I’m missing my source for that quote, but it’s not original, in as much as I’d like to claim it. But I can’t.) All fire signs. All day. So it seemed. Aries and Leo, to be precise. Which is odd, to my mind, given where the planets are today. I wrote And don’t forget

More on Mercury

Excerpt from the [url=]Devil’s Dictionary[/url] by Ambrose Bierce. “Overwork: [i]n.[/i] A dangerous disorder affecting high public functionaries who want to go fishing.” Quick note: I was doing the radio program (Real 97.1 in Indianapolis, IN), and right before the show was on the air, the jock (Ernie, Sagittarius) was telling me that Thursday nights they More on Mercury