Riding the rails

Riding the rails. When I travel, I have a hard and fast rule about making sure that I’ve got a digital device to work on, [i]i.e.[/i], computer, PDA, phone, &c. and that I’ve got some good reading material. Books, magazines, something. I was dropped off at the San Antonio’s [go spurs!] Sunset station. There was Riding the rails

Haunted Rail Road crossing

Haunted Rail Road crossing Right up there with the Marfa Mystery Lights, there are ghosts throughout Texas. My kind hosts in San Antonio were piqued by the thought of the “haunted railroad crossing,” we set out, late Sunday afternoon, to find the crossing. It’s on Shane – which [url=http://photos2.ghostweb.com/txrr1.html]dead ends into Villamain – down behind Haunted Rail Road crossing

Alamo City

Bright lights, Alamo City As a tourist – or guest of honor in the Alamo City, no trip would be complete without a quick tour of the Riverwalk. And no tour of the River walk would be complete without at least one observation that seems a little more “Texan” than anything else. How about a Alamo City

Cheap Sunglasses

[url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000002LSV/fishinguideto-20]Cheap sunglasses I started out to essay my cheap sunglasses. A paean to the inexpensive eye wear that is quotidian. Almost disposable. But then I got to looking for Texas Music, the Top came up, and from there, it was on into local heroes. Highly recommended, the [i]Derailers'[/i] latest, [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00008NGA7/fishinguideto-20]Genuine, and of course, what really Cheap Sunglasses

Luxury Liner + rain

Luxury Liner + rain “I’m the kind of guy who likes to make a living running round.” (From Gram Parson’s [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005BC89/fishinguideto-20]anthology) Excellent album, especially for any alt.country or whatever it’s called now, fans. As soon as I finally scooted out the door to attend to business, more like leisure as I’d been hammering on an Luxury Liner + rain

Realizing dreams

Realizing dreams I was wandering and pondering on Wednesday afternoon. Hot outside. Like that’s any surprise, it is the summer. I snuck into an apartment pool for a dip, then I detoured around the creek and joined a couple of guys swimming, one who was swimming with his dogs. One of the dogs rushed at Realizing dreams

The Sirens’ call

The Sirens’ call I set out to go one way, and is usual, at least in my case, the best laid schemes rarely come through. I’ll swear after Monday’s East Loop hike, I was going to retrace my steps. But I didn’t. I had a little BBQ, then as I was heading towards the downtown The Sirens’ call

Cleaning out boxes

I was sorting through the e-mail program this last weekend, and I opened up my “sent mail folder.” A little over 9,000 messages sent. That works out to about 25 replies in a single day. Considering that I wasn’t available some weekends, that number suggests the average is off. Lots of work there. Then I Cleaning out boxes

St. John’s Eve

Bloody hell, why am I going on about some Brit holiday? I don’t rightly know about St. John’s Eve, nor, am I going to [url=http://dreamquests.net/ShamrockPatch/StJohnEve.html]follow up on it. I’ve long since forgone the Sunday Paper in favor of hitting some news sites online. Just easier. After “Desert Storm II” and subsequent revelations about the BBC St. John’s Eve