Midsummer’s Eve

Midsummer’s Eve. [url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/6305622876/fishinguideto-20]A Midsummer’s Night’s Eve Fraught with magic, pxies and sprites? More like a sumptuous meal at the [url=http://www.astrowhore.org/weblog/00000075.htm]Buffet Palace. Scooted in a full plate of relatively fresh sushi (Japanese), soy beans al dente (Edamame – Japanese), kebabs (Korean), Kung Pao chicken (Chinese), a couple of crawdads (Cajun), and a for dessert, soft-serve ice Midsummer’s Eve

What would Jesus drive

What would Jesus drive? As per [url=http://www.joebobbriggs.com/]Joe Bob, Jesus wouldn’t drive [i]anything[/i]. He would walk. Like me, slip on those sandals and stroll on out the door. Although, for the sake of verisimilitude these days, I figure the lad would ride a loud Harley. My love affair with Ford trucks, [url=http://www.whatwouldjesusdrive.org/]notwithstanding. Friday Five Self-imposed limits What would Jesus drive

Things we like to see

Things we like to see: > Damn, You are SO Good! Ain’t that just the sweetest comment? Bet she tells all the guys that. For many months, maybe longer, I’ve tried, unsuccessfully to get rosemary to grow in my garden. The story is, the plant was from my aunt’s garden, and it was planeted by Things we like to see

Amandus of Bordeaux

Not sure what the guy was the patron of, never could find out. But 18 June is his day. Ma Wetzel was preparing dinner, a roast of some kind. After all, it was Sister, fellow vegetarian, who suggested, “Dead cow: the other white meat.” Ma Wetzel popped her roasted thing out of the oven, a Amandus of Bordeaux

Feast day of St. Herve

Feast day of St. Herve Patron Saint of Allergy sufferers. Don’t ask, don’t smell? Dallas. Coming up I-35, that last little patch of open road, the big, wide sky opening up and beyond. Then there’s one hilltop, and from there, the Dallas Phallus is low and to the west, whereas the rest of the skyline Feast day of St. Herve

Feast Day of St. John-Francis Regis

Feast Day of St. John-Francis Regis. Patron Saint of lace makers. Marriage. And illegitimate children. Don’t ask me what the connections therein are, I just report what I’ve seen, observed, or, at the very least read someplace. I was on that final leg of a walking tour, just drifting past Jo’s, and I heard that Feast Day of St. John-Francis Regis

D-Day – Dining through Saturday

D-Day – Dining through Saturday Saturday morning started with a visit from Ma and Pa Wetzel, on their return voyage from San Marcos, and quick jaunt up and down the street for breakfast. Magnolia Cafe. Capricorn waitress. A little later, it was a Gemini and her daughter, up to Guero’s. Then over to Amy’s, for D-Day – Dining through Saturday

Ain’t you glad?

Getting that back up phone to work was a good idea. 9:45 AM: “We’re in Waco.” 10:55 AM: “Were almost in Austin.” 11:15 AM: “Just dropped your Mom off at her meeting.” Pa Wetzel and I had some breakfast at the Caffeine Dealer. Then he took a quick nap on the futon here, then Ma Ain’t you glad?