Weekly introduction

Uranus in Pisces, Sun in Aries, and Mars in Capricorn. That what I started with. I was going to add some more, but I got deterred. First it was reading, then I had to look at the coverage, then it was something else. Here’s the draft that didn’t get published: Uranus in Pisces, Sun in Weekly introduction

I hate my own advice

I was up at 6 AM Tuesday morning. Trying to finish writing some horoscopes, get in a little extra work before work. I still find it distasteful to heed my own advice, but heed I will. While I was killing a few minutes, searching for elusive muses, I flipped through a couple of journals and I hate my own advice

In other news

[url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2851355.stm]BBC ran this little article. I was really just watching the news, wondering if they were starting to drop bombs or anything, and I stumbled across that article. I wanted something light, to break the tone. Working in East Austin, I ordered a breakfast taco from a lady who refers to me as “amigaito.” (We In other news

Requiem for a lifestyle

It’s been bothering me for a few weeks. That concept of “ten years on the road” is wearing me out. I thought about it as I was having “chez hotel” food, reading the local [Friday’s edition] newspaper, Sunday morning. Another reader asked if I got my breakfast coupon. Huh? “Yeah, five bucks off the price Requiem for a lifestyle

Outskirts of hell: West Texas motel

Outskirts of hell: West Texas motel So Mac the Aura Camera guy sidles up to me, “You see that triple Aries, if you could saddle that, I’ll bet you could ride it.” Yeah, right. Mac’s other funny comment was about an apparently attractive woman, “Too rich for you?” I asked. “I think she owns most Outskirts of hell: West Texas motel

Beware of the Ides of March: Friday Five!

Which was going to be presentation style bullet points from the airport. But I get a little long-winded at times. 5) Happens a lot these days, as I slipped my boots off for the metal detector, “Nice boots,” comment from the guard. My reply? “Handmade in El Paso, Texas.” 4) [url=www.capmetro.org]CapMetro, Austin’s frequently maligned public Beware of the Ides of March: Friday Five!

Thursday’s Fun Day!

Usually, it’s a really interesting day, at best. Scopes go up, and I get a ton of mail. I received some of the nicest, sweetest, kindest notes in yesterday’s mailbag. Then, I got exactly one that was really intended to be hurtful. I’d post the email address and the note, but I thought carefully about Thursday’s Fun Day!

Wednesday’s afternoon

I popped round to Sonic, sort of the long way home, picking up a chili cheese dog. Love that stuff, from time to time. Unidentified meat wrapped in casing of unidentified origins, smothered in a sauce that’s guaranteed to harden arteries at twenty paces, topped off with some kind of yellow cheese substitute that’s probably Wednesday’s afternoon