
Subtitle: “how long does it take to drive to Dallas?” Doorstep to doorstep, Shady Acres (in South Austin) to Ma & Pa Wetzel’s, (in South Dallas) is 193 miles. I’ve done it in as little as two and half hours, or as long as five hours, maybe even longer, depending on road conditions, meals and Wishes

I missed it

I missed it. Yesterday was “The Feast Day of [url=http://www.aug.edu/augusta/iconography/goldenLegend/agnes.htm#emerantia]St. Emerentiana,” the patroness of those suffering with stomach disorders. How I miss these days is just beyond me. According to my [url=http://www.astrofish.net/monthly.html]astrology software, Mercury turned direct at 7:08 PM, CST Wednesday night. The year is almost over, right? Or, at least, it’s time to get I missed it


Like I really care. I’m torn, see, Sister lives in Oakland, therefore, I should be rooting for the Raiders, a die-hard fan base that’s truly amazing. Never give up hope. I can’t recall where, but I seem to remember the Raiders being categorized as a blue-collar team. But Tampa Bay? It’s no secret that I’m Superbowl

writing about oneself

Man, writing about oneself is so hard! > Just letting you know what we need from you in terms of lecture and > photo material… we need, a 75 word lecture description including a > sentence or two of bio. Writing a quick bio and an introduction to my usual, ever-changing lecture series is a writing about oneself

Remember the Alamo

Some of my history is a little rusty, but look at these years, 1835, 1836 – remember the Alamo? Uranus into Pisces? Sure. Then 1919, 1920…. Coming up soon, this year… Zero Pisces gets it several times. This [url=http://americanpeace.eccmei.net/]site yielded nascent information about history and violence. What intrigued me was the occupation and invasion of Remember the Alamo

Pastry Chef, Barbie dolls & hugs

Grace the Psychic Lady [El Paso] & Bubba, and their Aries friends, plus a Cancer daughter and who knows whom else, all headed over to the Pastry Chef [West Side] for breakfast. That’s the last time I was coherent, Sunday morning. See: Grace [i]insisted[/i] that I stay with her and Bubba since two of her Pastry Chef, Barbie dolls & hugs


Coyote There’s a companion idea tacked onto yesterday’s entry, but it’s been interrupted working in El Paso. Middle of the night, staying with Grace and Bubba, I woke up to the distinct “yip-yip” of a coyote. Some place down in an arroyo, behind the casa, west side of El Paso.

Going to be a long day

Subtitle: [url=http://www.tsa.dot.gov/public/display?content=15]Can I take it with me? The arrangement, as I’m sitting here, thinking about the upcoming [url=http://www.astrofish.net/travel.html]schedule, the deal is this: do a last minute reading, then go and rent two apartments Friday afternoon, which means sort through a short metric ton of paperwork. “Sign here, and here, and here.” Then it’s [url=http://www.austin-stories.com/]Austin Happy Going to be a long day

WSJ: “Bomb Texas”

WSJ: “Bomb Texas” [url=http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110002900]This piece was online the other night. I had a really good answer to the question, and I was interrupted by several phone calls. Never got back to the spirit that I had. My morning reading, Tuesday morning, ran late. In the interim, over a cup of some really good coffee, I WSJ: “Bomb Texas”