Cycles of tech

Cycles of tech [url=]This article discusses the end of the program called “Graffiti.” Ah yes, my Newton. Long gone, dead to the world. I had, in order, a 120, a 2000, and I upgraded that 2000 to a 2100 or whatever it was called. Pretty cool technology. Slow on the synchronization, but being a bleeding Cycles of tech

Clicking around on cartoons and horoscopes

Clicking around on cartoons and horoscopes When I clicked [url=]on this article, the pull-out quote read, “You can read all sorts of cartoons on the Web. Sometimes they print them up as comic books. I think, why should I buy this? I can read it online.” (From an interview with Matt Groening.) When I clicked Clicking around on cartoons and horoscopes

Monday the 13th

What? Look: I worked most of the weekend. When I wasn’t actively reading charts, I was standing there, talking to people about charts. Or Mercury, or whatever. Jupiter. Sure. Let me say this about that. Never mind, I’m too tired to be coherent now. Look: some guy asks what your birthday is, that doesn’t mean Monday the 13th


Fruitcakes I couldn’t shake that Jimmy Buffett (Capricorn) song, [url=]”Fruitcakes” while I was getting dressed Saturday morning. No music was on, I was just trying to figure out where the clothing was, and I wound up with simple attire, just a pressed shirt and sports jacket. But that song kept going until I stepped outside. Fruitcakes

Austin, Texas.

Austin, Texas. Or maybe, just South Austin. Yesterday morning, I was doing a reading at that place on S. First Street, and in the middle of it, a Leo feller walks up, and he just had to say how he enjoyed the [url=]hotlinks, “Man, I spent about an hour going through those. You know, it Austin, Texas.

Bandwidth and booze

Bandwidth and booze The local group of [url=]Austin Journal Writers is vying to host the annual journal writers’ convention, sometime next fall. In pulling together resources, particularly web resources, I webbed through the [url=]DFW Blogs site. The Austin group? The local discussion, as of late, has centered on where to get good liquor cheap. That Bandwidth and booze

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy? I can’t speak for other people. I was looking over my schedule a few days ago, and toying with the some [url=]new software, and I was delighted that the synchronization went so smoothly but upset that it took so long. I’ve also enjoyed working with the rather narrow limits of what What makes you happy?