Two-meat Tuesday – Feast Day of St. Raymond
Oh, I looked this one up, never [url=]mind[/url]. Patron saint of [i]pregnant women[/i]? [i]Maybe I’ll [b]just[/b] skip that one.[/i]
Class notes:
I am often times much maligned for picking on Scorpio folks. From the class notes, I’ve got hardcore visual evidence.
“Me thinks the teacher doth protest too much.”

Class/lecture whiteboard
Close-up of “8th House notation.”
“Michael Bolton,” greeted me, Monday afternoon at the airport, that baggage checker again. After he checked my luggage, the half-empty show bag to Austin, “Here you go, Kramer.”
Cure for blockage: which really just tags onto the note about the class, because I used one example in the lecture – about Mercury Retrograde – and I realized, as I was flying and catching up on some reading, that I was about to pass up an article about “writer’s block.”
Writer’s block scares me, but after I tackled using [i]applied astrology[/i] to working with my writing schedule, I found that I cold beat the dreaded writer’s block. I take a break from my regularly (self-imposed) schedule for producing scopes when Mr. Mercury goes retrograde. In so doing, fallowing a natural rhythm, almost a circadian cycle, I’ve found that I don’t have the usual problems with writer’s block.
Everyone needs a little break. It’s a vacation, of sorts. Doesn’t mean that I stop gathering ideas or observing people, either.
Or collecting unusual items, as I found this on a “roll of film” (phone camera, really) and I realized I’d snapped a shot sometime last weekend, up in Las Cruces. DG Coffee Bar, Deli, something like. Good burritos, and good coffee drinks. Home-made ice cream, too, but I didn’t get to try any of that.

The question, where have I seen a bicycle like this before?
And who is Number 2?